Audio/Video Sermons - Click on Facebook icon on bottom of website home page to view 2021 service


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"God Knows Your Heart"

1/13/2019 Pastor Finn (Audio)  1 Samuel 16:1-13 

"Shine!" (The Epiphany of Our Lord)

1/6/2019 Pastor Finn (Audio)  Isaiah 60:1-6 

"Shine!" (The Epiphany of Our Lord)

1/6/2019 Pastor Finn (Video)  Isaiah 60:1-6 

"Your Christmas Gift" (Christmas Day Sermon Podcast)

12/25/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  John 1:1-14  

Choir Sings: "On This Still Silent Night"

12/25/2018   Christmas Eve 2018 

Children's Christmas Eve Sermon

12/25/2018 Pastor Finn  Christmas Eve 2018 

Luke 2 Christmas Gospel & Away in the Manger

12/25/2018 Christmas Eve 2018  Sunday School Children Singing 

"Your Christmas Gift" (Christmas Day Sermon Video)

12/25/2018 Pastor Finn (Video)  John 1:1-14 

"The Mighty One Has Done Great Things for Me"

12/23/2018 Pastor Finn (Video)  Luke 1:39-55 

"The Mighty One Has Done Great Things for Me"

12/23/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  Luke 1:39-55 



"When God Cleans House"

12/16/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  Zephaniah 3:14-20 

Choir Song: "We Bring His Light"


"Your God Is a Fire"

12/9/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  Malachi 3:1-4 

"People, Get Ready!"

12/2/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  Genesis 19:15-17, 23-29 

"People, Get Ready!"

12/2/2018 Pastor Finn (Video)  Genesis 19:15-17, 23-29 

"Keep Yourselves in God's Love"

11/25/2018 Pastor Finn (Video)  Jude 20-25 

"Keep Yourselves In God's Love"

11/25/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  Jude 20-25 

"Give Thanks to the LORD"

11/21/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  Thanksgiving Eve Homily  

"Give Thanks to the LORD"

11/21/2018 Pastor Finn (Video)  Thanksgiving Eve Homily 

"Friends in High Places"

11/18/2018 Pastor Finn (Video)  Daniel 12:1-3 

"Friends in High Places"

11/18/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  Daniel 12:1-3 

"The LAST JUDGMENT: Asking the Right Questions"

11/11/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  John 5:19-30 

"The LAST JUDGMENT: Asking the Right Questions"

11/11/2018 Pastor Finn (Video)  John 5:19-30 

St Paul Choir sings "Find Me at the Feet of Jesus"


"Help for Hurting Hearts"

11/4/2018 Pastor James Mattek  Luke 10:25-37 

"Help for Hurting Hearts"

11/4/2018 Pastor James Mattek  Luke 10:25-37 

"What Does This Mean?"

10/28/2018 Pastor Finn (Audio)  Reformation Homily 

"What Does This Mean?"

10/28/2018 Pastor Finn (Video)  Reformation Homily 

Children Sing the Doxology


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Showing records 31 through 60.